The Reason Why People Fear Learning German Language Along With TIPS to Overcome it - Mamta Khandelwal Headstart

Why do you fear learning German? - Mamta Khandelwal HeadStart


Most people fear learning new things in life and when it comes to learning a foreign language, many have jitters and  believe it is difficult to cope up, which is not right!
Learning a foreign language always requires confidence, motivation and willingness to take an initiative. It is lack of these traits along with the fear of failure or fear to get negatively evaluated that prevents one from learning a language.

German is not your mother tongue and hence it may seem difficult at first. But you need to boost your confidence that you can do it. Do not hesitate. Just find the courage to speak! Do not be afraid of making mistakes. Come out of your comfort zone. Observing, listening, practicing, speaking slowly and finding situations to speak German will soon get you the hang of speaking in German quickly.

German language is easy to learn, provided one understands its significance, it’s resemblance to English language, and tries to overcome the fear of speaking German.

7 tips how to learn German without any fear:

  1.  Know what causes your fear: it is usually the anxiety factor which causes this fear. Just think how a German tries to speak your language and this way you can build your confidence to speak German
  2. Practice,practice,practice: Hone your listening skills with practice. Listen to YouTube channels, audio recordings, learn lyrics of German songs. You need to train your brain to listen, translate and formulate a response and say it!
  3. Make mistakes: Remember nobody is perfect! You cannot achieve proficiency in German without making mistakes initially. But understand this is the phase every new learner has to learn to overcome.
  4. Speak like a kid: start with basics- naming things around, saying them aloud, trying to compose short sentences. The trick is to think and speak in German. Gradually your confidence will boost and you will start formulating bigger and difficult vocabulary
  5. One-on-one meetings: Enroll yourself to an online buddy program wherein the buddy supports your learning as he knows better and so you can benefit from the  tips he is ready to share with you. In return you may teach him/ her your language.
  6. Go slow : Speak slowly but clearly. It helps develop a better communication skill and Germans will always appreciate that you are trying to learn their language even if you speak broken German.
  7. Opportunities everywhere: You need to grab every opportunity to converse in German when in Germany. Whether it is asking time, directions to the bus stop, where the library is, what a sign means, introducing yourself, asking a person’s name, simple greetings and courtesies etc. this could eventually lead to longer conversations.
Lerne Deutsche, jetszt!

Start Leaning German Language. 
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Mamta Khandelwal HeadStart
The Reason Why People Fear Learning German Language Along With TIPS to Overcome it - Mamta Khandelwal Headstart The Reason Why People Fear Learning German Language Along With TIPS to Overcome it - Mamta Khandelwal Headstart Reviewed by Mamta Khandelwal - HeadStart on May 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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